Tuesday 22 March 2011

Speaking of Dialogue...SHUT UP, LITTLE MAN!

In 1992 San Francisco's Bananafish magazine arranged for a commercial release of the audio recordings of two argumentative and violent alcoholics, Haskett and Huffman. The recordings were made by “Eddie Lee Sausage” and “Mitchell D.” who moved into a bright pink apartment building — dubbed the “Pepto Bismol Palace” — in San Francisco`s Lower Haight district in 1987. They discovered that their neighbours, Haskett and Huffman, argued nearly constantly, with Haskett often shouting “shut up, little man!” at Huffman, and so began recording their arguments. Eddie Lee and Mitchell periodically made prank calls to Haskett and Huffman to provoke more dialogue. They distributed copies of these recordings to their friends.

In 1992, Huffman died of a heart attack brought-on by colon cancer, pancreatitis, and alcoholism. Haskett died in 1996 of liver problems due to alcoholism.

It struck me that these recordings would be a great resource for an animation project. Someone bet me to it...someone even went so far as to make a documentary.

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