Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I took the voice of Joseph Campbell....

...I don't agree with everything he has to say - a lot of the myths could do with a rewrite - from a the perspective of a woman for starters...

but here I was simply test driving stop motion with some characters I fingered out of clay...it was a while back now...before i realized i wanted to be an animator.

The photo of the pink house is my own version of the `Pepto Bismol Palace` - a squatt i lived in on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. It had been ravaged by the 1994 Los Angeles earthquakes and lay neglected.

1 comment:

Catlard said...

Max! Good stuff. We need to have a conversation about how interesting this is. I'm a little confused, but I think I understand some things that the video is saying to me. All these manufactured, systematized means of living are cohabitant with this sharp, sort of disturbing imagery in it, and I enjoy that. It reminds me in a distant way of David Firth's stuff...do you know Salad Fingers?


And is that more of your hair in the bed? Just curious. That stuff is so useful, it seems! I need to grow some on my own head.